Schroeder introduction to thermal physics solutions 2.42
Schroeder introduction to thermal physics solutions 2.42

schroeder introduction to thermal physics solutions 2.42

Typical characteristics of wastewater from textile, pharmaceutical, and pesticide industries are presented in Table 2. Thus, the degradation of OMPs in water became a major challenge. Many wastewater effluents contain a high level of contaminants due to a considerable number of OMPs being non-biodegradable. Įxamples of frequently observed OMPs are listed in Table 1. According to several investigations, various OMPs such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, organic dyes have been frequently detected in the wastewater, surface water, and even in drinking water (see Fig. Nowadays, the wastewater generated from sources such as industry, agriculture, houses, and so on contains considerable amounts of organic micropollutants (OMPs) and thus causes many problems related to the environment and health. However, as the population is growing, the anthropogenic effect on the surrounding environment is increasing every day. GraphicAbstractĬlean water is necessary to the ecosystem, to sustain life as well as social and economic development. Furthermore, the degradation kinetics, intermediates compounds formed by plasma, and the synergetic effect of plasma in combination with a catalyst are also reported in this review. input power, voltage, working gas, treatment time, OMPs concentrations, etc.) on the oxidation of various OMPs are discussed. The role of plasma and treatment parameters (e.g. This paper reviews a wide range of cold atmospheric plasma sources with their reactor configurations used for the degradation of OMPs (such as organic dyes, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides) in wastewater. Cold atmospheric plasma discharge-based AOPs have been proven a promising technology for the degradation of non-biodegradable organic substances like OMPs. In recent years, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) techniques have received extensive attention for the mineralization of OMPs in water in order to avoid serious environmental problems. Unfortunately, traditional water treatment methods are ineffective in the degradation of most OMPs.

schroeder introduction to thermal physics solutions 2.42

As a consequence, aquatic life and public health are endangered.

schroeder introduction to thermal physics solutions 2.42 schroeder introduction to thermal physics solutions 2.42

In the last decades, harmful organic micropollutants (OMPs) have been detected in surface and groundwater at low concentrations due to the discharge of untreated effluent in natural water bodies. Water bodies are being contaminated daily due to industrial, agricultural and domestic effluents.

Schroeder introduction to thermal physics solutions 2.42