Thus, PokemonPets is by any means not a rival nor an alternative of official Pokemon games. PokemonPets just brings your childhood loved Pokemon anime characters into its custom-built indie game. Moreover, PokemonPets is different from official games, so do not confuse PokemonPets with official games.

Therefore, the information displayed on PokemonPets may be different from official sources. PokemonPets is a derivate and transformative work based on Pokemon characters. Strive to become No:1! Whether in collecting or PVP! PokemonPets is an absolutely free Online RPG! (Absolutely no cost!) Play the game online in your browser, with no plugins or downloads! Fully supports mobile device (touch devices) playing as well. Pokemon Pets lets you collect, train, and battle with your favorite Pokemon! It's a free online RPG with people playing all over the world!

PokemonPets is a fan-made unofficial Pokemon based indie browser game.